The Big Issue #249
- January 5 to February 17, 2016
The Photographer’s Edition is magazine with a difference, one that’s almost entirely devoted to images that rivet, intrigue, stimulate and provide a breather.
In it,The Big Issue invites photographers to submit images prompted by a broad theme, and this year the theme is “wonderful world”.
Photographers very generously provide images at no cost, as The Big Issue is, of course, a non-profit organisation.
This year we were lucky enough to get Adrian Steirn’s incredible images about the campaign to save the pangolin. Currently the most trafficked animal in Africa and Asia, this inoffensive little mammal is staring down the barrel of a gun. But there are some inspiring, creative initiatives to save them including the Tikky Hywood Trust in Zimbabwe, where Adrian took his pictures.
Then, at the other end of the spectrum, we have some delightful images from the international Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards. You’ll love the images of owls examining the photographer, of a red fox face-diving into the snow in search of dinner, of a squirrel conducting, and a cheetah facing down a speed limit sign, among others.
Over and above these two features, there’re contributions from a wide range of photographers, such as Ruvan Boshoff’s wizardy image from the Afrika Burn event, Masixole Feni’s images of seeking fulfillment and moments of joy in Mfuleni, Deborah Rossouw’s images of dance and urban life, Fiona McCosh’s image from her “Sober and Sexy!” calendar, Ralph Ndawo’s historical image of a picnic in Soweto, and ending off with “Into the big blue” to keep that holiday feeling floating along….
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