Find a friendly vendor – Claremont, Cape Town
May 20, 2021Vendors in the Hood – Cape Town CBD
July 20, 2021Find a Friendly vendor – Sea Point, Cape Town
Our vendors buy their own magazine stock and sell them on to you, our readers. Ever wonder what their hopes and dreams are?
The pandemic and a move to digital media has made our vendors’ lives extremely gruelling. They stand for hours at a time on the street. Each vendor has a personal story, and a life that matters; each has tenacity, perseverance and mental strength that is praiseworthy. Meet two of our lovely Sea Point vendors.
Shadrack Rolihlahla (Vendor number: 0954).
Corner of Main Road and Glengariff Road, Sea Point.
Lives in Delft. Has sold The Big Issue for almost 23 years. He joined the magazine in September 1998.
Dream job?
Hopes and dreams?
To build a life with his wife and daughter through The Big Issue. Shadrak hopes that one day he will receive his claim from the Road Accident Fund, which he has been fighting to get for 21 years now. He would also like to see his wife Babalwa Ntshontsho completing sangoma school. You’ll find Babalwa selling The Big Issue at the same pitch as her husband.
Nomakhosina Sola (Vendor number: 2296.)
At the robots on the corner of Glengariff and Beach Road, Sea Point.
Lives in Khayelitsha.
Dream job?
To be a shop owner.
Hopes and dreams?
Nomakhosina would love to open a store where she could sell clothes and other items. She would also like to raise enough money to support her children and help them finish their schooling.